Can You Help Your Own Hearing?
There are tips to preventative measures you can take to prevent noise-induced hearing loss and also to keep your hearing loss from getting worse.
Hearing loss is a scary and frustrating thing that happens to many adults over time. Have you noticed yourself asking people to repeat themselves? Have you had to use the remote control to turn the volume UP because you just can’t hear it? Do you think that there is nothing you can do about hearing loss?
There are tips to preventative measures you can take to prevent noise-induced hearing loss and also to keep your hearing loss from getting worse.
Let’s begin by understanding what NOISE is. Noise is loud sounds that over time can damage the hair cells in your ears. Hair cells in your ears? Yes, we all have tiny hair cells in our inner ears that slowly break down and can’t pick up sound vibrations as well as they did when we were younger. Noise can be from concerts you went to, playing loud music in your headphones, loud events, motorcycles, loud tools and so forth. We can not go back to undo those fun times however, there are ways to improve your hearing now.
- The Test Will Tell You – A hearing test will let you know if there is a problem and how severe it is. Ask yourself the questions above and think of your relatives. If close relatives have hearing loss, you may be at a higher risk than others. Your doctor will help you but they will only be able to do that if you make an appointment and go in.
- Say NO to Loud Noise Now – If you can’t hear someone else speaking to you because the noise around you is too high, you must turn it down or remove yourself from that area. You shouldn’t have to shout as that is a sure sign that it’s too noisy.
- Shop for QUIET – When you are purchasing home appliances, check for the noise ratings. If you are in a loud environment and can not leave, see if the management at the facility can help by lowering the TV, music, etc.
- Protect Yourself – It may not be as stylish as you like but it’s always better to be safe than sorry! Wearing earplugs or earmuffs if you are going to be exposed to loud sounds for over two minutes.
- Smoking Hurts – Research shows that smoking effects hearing loss. Don’t do it. This is a great reason to add to the list of why you should stop smoking now!
- Earwax – It is amazing how much wax can build up in your ear canal which will cause sounds to be muffled. The relief you will feel after using an at-home irrigation kit will be worth the time. If it is too compacted, your doctor can remove it for you.
- Check Your Meds – There are medications that you may be taking for other issues that could harm your hearing. Check with your doctor to ensure that the medications they have prescribed for you won’t interfere with your hearing now or down the road.
You must be your own biggest advocate in this world so make sure you follow the tips and enjoy hearing the beauties that abound you!