The Significance Of Senior Living For Couples

Elderly adults who look for senior living communities usually do so as they wish to make their wellness a priority for their retirement life. Due to the various amenities and technologies that ensure the proper environment for adults to select what comes next in their years ahead. For all the elderly adults who are in…

Las Vegas Senior care facility, Assisted living

How To Deal With Stubborn Parents?

Aging can be a scary thing and many seniors fear the unknown. There can be fears about the loss of independence and the effects of health conditions. This fear might be making many seniors resistant to seek help and some of them can be secretive about the symptoms that they experience. It can be agonizing…

Las Vegas Senior Care, LA Assisted living

What Is Custodial Care? 

Apart from medical care, seniors suffering from dementia and related conditions will need help with daily tasks. This post defines custodial care, the difference between skilled care and custodial care, and also the respective costs involved.    Custodial Care  It is the non-medical professionals who are mostly found offering custodial care to seniors. These caregivers…

Assisted living options for elderly with dementia

A Few Challenges Of Living With Dementia

When your senior loved one receives a dementia diagnosis, you can experience a mix of feelings ranging from anxiety to relief. A significant part of your role as a caregiver and advocate will be to understand the disease so that you can plan for their present and future needs. Dementia disorders come with challenges and…

A pair of seniors in assisted living.

Some Common Misconceptions About Dementia 

As per the World Health Organization, there are more than 50 million people in the world who are suffering from dementia. If your loved one is suffering from dementia, it can be beneficial for you to understand more about the disorder. Not only does it let you plan for the future, but will also let…

A caregiver and senior

What Is Caregiver Burnout? 

You may not think twice about taking the responsibility of caring for a loved one, but you should also understand that it can take a toll on your physical and emotional well-being. Caregiver fatigue is for real and can leave you exhausted and unable to do your duties and responsibilities. Let us see what caregiver…